Penerapan Algoritma A* (A Star) Pathfinding Pada Game 3D Isometric Projection “Survival Horror : Wabah Rabies”

leonardo, leonardo (2025) Penerapan Algoritma A* (A Star) Pathfinding Pada Game 3D Isometric Projection “Survival Horror : Wabah Rabies”. S1 Teknik Informatika thesis, STMIK Widya Cipta Dharma.

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Rabies adalah penyakit fatal yang menyebabkan setidaknya 60.000 kematian setiap tahun. Penanganan rabies memerlukan pendekatan yang tepat, namun masih banyak kasus yang tidak ditangani secara optimal, menyebabkan tingkat kematian yang sangat tinggi. Pentingnya edukasi mengenai pencegahan dan penanganan rabies mendorong pengembangan permainan edukatif “Survival Horror Wabah Rabies”. Permainan ini dirancang untuk menyampaikan informasi tentang penularan rabies, pencegahannya, serta tindakan yang harus diambil jika terkena gigitan hewan yang dicurigai terinfeksi. Dalam permainan, pemain berperan sebagai seorang polisi yang bertugas mengirimkan serum dan vaksin rabies ke rumah warga yang terinfeksi, sambil menghadapi serangan dari hewan yang terinfeksi. Algoritma A* (A Star) Pathfinding diterapkan untuk meningkatkan pengalaman bermain dan menantang dalam permainan, memungkinkan musuh untuk mengejar pemain dengan jalur tercepat. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa 60% pemain menyatakan permainan ini baik, menunjukkan bahwa game ini efektif sebagai media edukasi dan hiburan. Penerapan algoritma A* berhasil meningkatkan kualitas permainan, sementara elemen edukasi tetap disampaikan dengan jelas dan menarik. ========================================================================================================= Rabies is a deadly disease that causes at least 60,000 deaths each year. Treating rabies requires the right approach, but there are still many cases that are not optimally treated, resulting in a very high mortality rate. The importance of education on rabies prevention and treatment prompted the development of the educational game "Survival Horror: Wabah Rabies". The game is designed to convey information about rabies transmission, its prevention, and the actions to be taken if bitten by a suspected infected animal. In the game, the player assumes the role of a police officer tasked with delivering rabies serum and vaccine to the homes of infected citizens, while facing attacks from infected animals. The A* (A Star) Pathfinding algorithm is applied to enhance the gameplay experience and challenge in the game, allowing the enemy to pursue the player with the fastest path. The test results showed that 60% of players rated the game as good, indicating that the game is effective as an educational and entertainment medium. The application of the A* algorithm successfully improves the quality of the game, while the educational elements are still clearly and interestingly conveyed.

Item Type: Thesis (S1 Teknik Informatika)
Additional Information: Pembimbing 1 : Ita Arfyanti, S.Kom., M.M Pembimbing 2 : Muhammad Ibnu Sa'ad, S.Kom., M.Kom
Uncontrolled Keywords: Permainan, A Star, Pathfinding, Unity.
Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA76 Computer software
Divisions: Teknik Informatika
Depositing User: Mr Leonardo .
Date Deposited: 30 Jan 2025 06:37
Last Modified: 30 Jan 2025 06:37

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