Deni, Tria (2020) Alat Bantu Jalan Bagi Tunanetra Menggunakan Sensor Ultrasonik Berbasis Arduino. S1 Teknik Informatika thesis, STMIK Widya Cipta Dharma.
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ABSTRAK TRIA DENI. 2020, Alat Bantu JalanBagiTunanetraMenggunakan Sensor UltrasonikBerbasisArduino.Skripsi Program StudiTeknikInformatika , SekolahTinggiManajemenInformatikadanKomputerWidyaCipta Dharma, Pembimbing Utama, Asep Nurhuda, M.KomdanPembimbing Pendamping, BartolomiusHarpad, M.Kom. Kata kunci : Alat Bantu Jalan, Sensor Ultrasonik, Arduino. Alat Bantu Jalan( jamtangan) untuktunanetramerupakanalat bantu bagi orang yang tunanetrauntukberjalan, dengan jam tanganmaka orang tunanetra yang tidakdapatmelihatbisamengetahuijikaobjekataubenda yang menghalangijalannyabilaterdeteksioleh sensor ultrasonik. Tunanetrasaatinimasihbanyakmenggunakantongkat yang hanyaberfungsijikabersentuhandenganbendakurangdapatmembantu, makapenyandangtunanetramasihsangatterbatasruanggeraknya. Dalampenelitianini, penulismenggunakanmetodepengumpulan data yang terdiridaristudipustaka, observasidanwawancara.sedangkanpengembangannyamenggunakanmetodeProtorype yang langkahpertamanyayaitupengumpulankebutuhan yang langkahpertamanyayaitupengumpulankebutuhan yang terdiridarianalisiskebutuhandananalisissistem.Langkahkeduayaituperancangandanpembuatanalat yang manaperancanganterdiridari diagram blokdan flowchart. MembangunnlangkahterakhiryaituUjicoba yang terdiridarievaluasidanpengujiansecarablack box. =========================================================================== ABSTRACT TRIA DENI. 2020, A Tool Kit for the Blind Using an Arduino-Based Ultrasonic Sensor. Thesis of Informatics Engineering Study Program, College of Informatics and Computer Management WidyaCipta Dharma, Main Advisor, AsepNurhuda, M.Kom and Counselor Advisor, BartolomiusHarpad, M.Kom. Keywords: Walking Aid, Ultrasonic Sensor, Arduino. A walking aid (watch) for the visually impaired is a tool for visually impaired people to walk, with a watch, blind people who cannot see can tell if an object or object is blocking their path when detected by ultrasonic sensors. Visually impaired people currently use sticks which only function when in contact with objects it is not helpful, so blind people still have very limited space to move. In this study, the authors used data collection methods consisting of literature study, observation and interviews. While the development used the Protorype method, the first step was needs gathering, the first step was needs gathering consisting of needs analysis and systems analysis. The second step is designing and making tools in which the design consists of block diagrams and flowcharts. Developing the last step is the trial which consists of evaluation and testing in black box.
Item Type: | Thesis (S1 Teknik Informatika) |
Additional Information: | Pembimbing 1 : Asep Nurhuda, S.Kom.,M.Kom Pembimbing 2 : Bartolomius Harpad, S.Kom.,M.Kom |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | alat bantu jalan,sensor ultrasonik, arduino |
Subjects: | Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science |
Divisions: | Teknik Informatika |
Depositing User: | ms deni tria |
Date Deposited: | 29 Aug 2020 03:01 |
Last Modified: | 29 Aug 2020 03:01 |
URI: | |
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